
The purpose of this post is to provide an update of what was discussed on the conference call on October 12, 2013. I am thankful for the volunteers who participated on the call, as well as the ones who had a desire to be on the call and were unable to do so. These are very challenging times for some; there have been family issues, government shutdowns, illness, death, etc... The list can go on... My sincere prayer is that the Lord remove any barriers that stand in the way of bringing these two important projects to fruition.

These projects are large tasks that require the energy and efforts of many. While extremely important, our lives are important as well. The time that the Lord adds to our account every day is extremely valuable. This is time that, once expended, cannot be recouped. That is why the appreciation and value of your participation cannot be overstated.

Among the volunteers that called in and identified themselves were:
  • Milton Goodman
  • Joe Jenkins
  • Tony Martin
  • Kevin McClide
  • Michael L Parks
  • Alex Shaw